Friday 10 February 2017


his document gives you brief introduction about configurations for accessing sap webgui through android and ios based devices.  As sap do not have any standard application for sapgui for mobile. As an alternative we can make use of sap webgui.This configuration is not an alternative for web based gui.
SAP WebGUI has another name called ‘SAP GUI for HTML‘. This UI technology is based on integrated ITS and present all the data in the browser. The SAP WebGUI generates HTML pages for every SAP screen. This means you do not have to create any templates. There are some technical restrictions due to the browser, however, and certain transactions may not function in the SAP GUI for HTML. This must be decided for each case. The use of controls can result in this restriction.

Configurations in SAP
You need to configure WEBGUI in sap. You can refer following link for configuration of WebGUI

Configurations in IOs Device
There is an applications in Apple market place ‘SAP Launcher’. You can download this application and install on the device. By providing connection details you can  easily connect to sap webgui. I presume that you have connected to Wifi of your local office network.

Configurations in Android Based Device
You do not have sap gui application directly available for android devices. In this case we will make use of SAP WebGui.
As webgui works with host name resolution  we will add host entry in android devices. For this I have used an application ‘ hosts editor ‘ which is available in android market. By this application you can maintain host entry similar to windows pc.
You can access webgui through following url

VPN Connectivity:
Following applications found useful for connecting VPN. For vpn parameters you can take help of network team.
  1. NCP VPN Client – This application has facility of importing pcf files
  2. VPN Cilla
Apart from above you can find plenty of applications for vpn connectivity.
In the same way you can connect to your ESS Portal using following url
If you have public ip address you do not require to configure vpn

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